sunset glow
talk you down
My art work represents my story, in the style of alice in wonderland. Instead of using alice's imagination into wonderland , i have replaced hers with my imagination. Manipulating the story to fit it to my own story.
" If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? " - Alice in Wonderland
A must check out site for clothing. They have the meanest and most outrageous clothings. Its so appealing and unique. I like the way the jewelry are in quirky and sophisticated designs. The clothing is so street style and coulture.
lost in translation
Must watch : man vs wild.
It is totally insane, yet genious.
the man who cant be moved

I was watching a video clip of 2ne1's i dont care mv, and noticed a pair of sunglasses CL wore in it, that made me go giddy. I love these sunnies, kind of reminds me of the scene in charlie and the chocolate factory where they had to wear white glasses to protect their eyes in the white room. I gotta get myself one of the replicated.
running through the monsoon
Gonna work on some smaller projects in the long run, styling my good friends for their formal which might turn out to be fun.
And im loving this cold weather at the moment, i think autumn is coming in the right way. nice and cool is the best way to dress in !!! love it.
consolation prize

pretty handsomely awkward
one of those nights

The make-up, costume and visual effects has defined the true art of film production. Not only is the storyline of Alice in Wonderland a fantastic fairytale, but also the portrail of the characters in the movie really captures an audiences attention.
the end where i begin
love like a sunset
definitive breaks

Love the military inspired look, and the color and sequins contrasting effect. Might i add that shoulders pads are soooo in now ! Gotta love the large over-bearing shoulder pads, that just stands out in any crowd.
One of my favourite jackets out of my collection has to be my black and grey fading effect jacket . This one caught my attention straight away not only by the colour but the price, it was $50 slashed down to only $30 at a little boutique store in elizabeth arcade, and i just had to have it. It's light to wear and the coloring texture is amazingly catchy, and goes with basic clothing. It also has small shoulder pads that absolutely makes it comfortable on the shoulders, like a little pillow to rest my head if ever tired.
whisper something fragile

vegas skies

this city is contagious
Yes i must admit, i'm rather a lazy blogger and much of a slacker when it comes to sticking with anything. So this fat blog shall be called the 'catch up' , as it shall explain indepthly into what has happened during the last 2 months, which is December and January.
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas
-New Years eve
December was an eventful month as not only was i in the midst of holiday mode, but there was much celebrating to be held in great joy. Christmas in my family consisted of the usual burnch with the whole gang, this year was not much different. We all over slept as usual on Christmas Day, and as we all approached the hour of gathering, the guest came late and the turkey was overcooked. But hey it wouldn't be Christmas if these little things don't mess up right ? Cause at the end of the day it's not about the goodness of presents or the delicacy of the foods, but rather the family quality time that is spent together , which is the most imnportnat part of Christmas. Mind you presents should also be important too.
As December came to an end the New year was creeping up, i had promised myself to spend the new years alone in my room watching the fireworks on my tv, but i had begged to differ. I ended up with freinds over my house and getting smashed, walking out of my house, getting yelled by the police, and dancing on the roads. It was such a lovely way to spend the new year with the besties and a night to never be forgotton .
- New Year
-Senior 2010
- Starting school
2010, yes its rather scary to think that it's already a new year. It felt like time has crept away and that aging has become the biggest realisation in life as i start my senior year. This year is my last year of highschool, yes year 12 then i am a free women , with my own choices in life. My top piorities will definitely be about studying as much as i can, but my mind can't shift from the fact that i will not have a social life when i start it. This year is it, i can't look back , only looking forward cause this is the first step im taking into my future.