
the face that launched 1000 ship

Lately there has been a craze with collars, from the cotton to the vinyl, simple to the intricate. I've been designing and drawing up ideas for unique uses of collars on different garments and cannot wait to show the outcome of the final products. I think the key to collars is it has to be able to button up all the way for the full effect of a collar, its no use having a beautiful collar only seen unbuttoned and sitting flimsily upon the shoulders!

Recently, i had bought a simple collared blouse pattern and created my own collared top that buttoned all the way. The difference with this one is it's only a trial and error as it was my first time attempting to make one. Tutorial will be up soon, and more collared top designs that i have in mind will be posted once i finish them.


doors unlocked and open

Love Our Laneways (@LOLBNE) is a community initiative dedicated to saving the laneway precinct and beautiful old building between Elizabeth and Charlotte Streets in the city, which has just been approved by the city council for imminent demolition. Reminiscent of Melbourne or even Barcelona, this area could be an incredibly vibrant addition to the cultural life of the CBD, instead a glass and steel office tower has been approved to be built for the Australian Tax Office.

Amazingly this building is not heritage listed, so the only way to save it is if the developers or the ATO have a change of heart. We are not against the development per se, but respectfully ask them to consider the incredible potential of this site, and amend their building plans to integrate the laneway precinct and heritage building at its centre.

Help fight against the demolitions of our beautiful cities hidden creative spaces by spreading the word of LOL around.