the district sleeps alone tonight

The story goes like this, i was catching up with one of my close friends Lucy as we were long overdue for a good old hang out session. We bestowed upon a quest to shop for her sisters birthday in the hope to find her a costume. There was a new store open just above the 2nd floor of Indooroopilly were i stumbled across a replicated version of McQueens clutch. Every little detail that McQueen used has been also replicated onto this very clutch! Even though its not the real deal, i still broguht it as anything remotely close to it is still the same thing! And now it has become one of my favorite items! i must say i need to buy another one, doesn't hurt to have a spare right?
girls on the dance floor
Such a relaxing day to get out and about and adventure into our new found freedom, with no school or work to take worry about, it gave us the pleasure to relax and absorb life at its best.
The trip was by train and had taken us 2 hours to get there and back. Though if we had not missed our connecting trains we would have safely made it back under the 2 hour mark, but we can only run for the train at a certain speed and that the speed had seemed relatively slow.
The week we went down was also the week of schoolies, were all the graduates of 2010 come down to the Gold Coast and let loose after the daunting 12 years of schooling. We didnt stay for the whole week, as the party scene wasn't our thing but going for a day still classified us as being a part of schoolies (even if its was for less than 24 hours, we still experienced it).
what became of the likely lads
story of a thousand seasons past
ITS OVER! my whole life since i was born i have delved into the world of education, and after 12 years i have finally accomplished finishing my schooling years and now i am facing the real world.
No words can explain the excitement, the fears, the uncertainty and of course the future curiosity that i am feeling at the moment. It feels like a new found freedom, and with this freedom i shall start blogging on a regular basis, as i now have all the time in the world for adventures and D.I.Y projects i want to get on the way with. So please look forward to it my blogging friends.

cant nobody

With the lovely Amy, it was also her birthday on the same day.

Would have been a lovely photo with Mylinh if i had been looking at the camera, netherless it was still a good photo.
marching bands of manhatten

edge of darkness

I was actually wearing heels for the first time in a long time, trying to get a lot of practice so im use to them for the formal. the things i do for my partner.
the spill of a secret

after you fall asleep
Currently on holidays and must i say it has been the most eventful one ive had had. I've been to the city 4 titmes this week for friends formal attires that had nothing to do with me. I have been working a couple of shifts aswell which have been rather interesting than boring, surprisingly. Taeyangs album has been released! and let me tell you its the bomb diggity... go check it out! Most of the songs are rnb and slow, netherless he has thrown in some upbeat beats and they are sick as, and the last bit of news from my holidays, i have finished my major project and i must say that i am very proud of it. After contemplating on whether or not i should or if i could even do it; i have designed and made my own formal gown! and its near to completion with only a zip to be sewn on. It has taken me days and countless hours to make it perfect and to the best of my sewing standards. I encountered many problems from it, but in the end i did not give it up as i wanted to prove that i was able to handle it! and i did just that. The garment is nothing special, very simple but me and im very proud to call it my very own one off piece. Will be posting up my progressions of the making the dress soon once everything is finalized and hopefully it doesnt at all fall apart on the night! and dont get all hyped over the dress, its really really plain and simple, its not very professional sewn but i dont care as long as i've got a dress right? ta ta.
the taste of ink

fight fire with fire
short post. Started holidays! yay, finally time away from school. Will be having fun adventures and be blogging about them so read on.
in a world full of lies, left with a burdened soul
Another Harry Potter newsflash is the very last movie; the Deathly Hallows! It’s still in the works and is very well coming out real soon and im hella excited. Call me geek nerd loser or whatever but omg I love harry potter and i cannot wait for the last movie to come out. I do hope it isn’t as rushed as the last movie as they completely left out heaps of good bits and fast tracked into the movie way too quickly. The best one in my opinion is Goblet of fire as that was when they all matured and all the drama ‘have to kill Voldemort so let’s build an army force’ began happening. Enough with the Harry potter saga, finishing off right now with another little thing, Harry Potter totally owns twilight hands down, and no questions about it. I’m just sorry Edward but you got nothing on Dumbledore.
heaven is a place on earth

L-R: Me, Tina, Hanh-An, Arianne, Hue & Dalena
sunset glow
Flores-Ha-Naidu designs.
champagne from a paper cup
Shoutout to tina and anna that are featured in the photos.
My clothing is a vintage marbled dye dress by harper, that i brought at a small boutique shop in god knows where for only $20! im addicted to its colour and the lightness of the dress.
the last unicorn

turn of the screw

The philosophy of Andy Warhol
there are no holds barred, there is no love loss
and why am i giving people a definition of rapping? its cause rapping is a major component of music that people tend to over look and unappreciate the true qualitied skills rapping has to offer. must i say i am a huge fan of rap music and rappers for that matter. its all about the delivery of those words and the stage presence those words create when a rapper so called raps. some favourites has to be lil wayne, drake and lil crazed (im being biased cause his asian) maddest rappers out and very very distinct voices that draws you to them!!! check them out on youtube.
i want this forever - Drake feat. Lil wayne
Bedrock- Lil crazed feat a whole heap of others (very very talented !)
the dawn from dust

walk down the aisle
i wanna start off making some of my own shorts in different patterned cotton fabric, im sure its okay to have silk shorts so why not cotton right ? well if not then i really dont give a shit, and just make and wear them anyways cause i can.
Hopefully this week i get payed and be able to go to spotlight and by some fabrics i have in mind .
The truth is im a money saver and spending my own working money makes me cringe but now i shall put that aside and focus on living off my own money instead of the parents. and for once feel its okay to spend money without thinking of it as a waste or im doing something bad. seriously i have this close bond with my moeny that i jsut cant let it go, its a weird obssesive compulsive nature in me.
so stay tuned to my shorts and hopefully it works out ! andddd sad newssss: starting school tomorrow, so it means more stress coming my way and 10 weeks of living in hell. yayers to meeee.
oh sweet nothings

who wants these Jeremy Scott sneakers say i !
ocean avenue

the bird and the worm

the night that never ends

I want these boots, so edgy and rebellious. its so fetish.
Jeromy Scotts creates dellusional outfits, and these jackets are devine. The special details and craftmanship really shows upon the garment.

I wanna D.I.Y this blouse and use this concept. I like the idea of using a photographic image as a fabric print for the blouse. Hopefully i can achieve in making a girl version.
Stay tune to my D.I.Y projects.