Thangs 17th birthday. On the 11th of September, one of my use-to-be close friend Thang held a birthday party at hes house. It was rather a chilling party as i arrived relatively late to a crowd of drunken and loud masses of people. Like a party would have been like, there were dramas and problems though at the end of it all it was nice jsut to hangout with many school friends that i normally dont get a chance to be with. As a good girl i am, i strayed away from the path of getting smashed and ended up looking after the people whom have had a little to much and could not hold their liquior. At the end of the night, we all got kicked out early as the parents did not condemn our actions and partying methods and we were all stranded on the side of the road trying to hitch rides home. Gotta love teenage parties.

With the lovely Amy, it was also her birthday on the same day.

Would have been a lovely photo with Mylinh if i had been looking at the camera, netherless it was still a good photo.
1 comment:
omfg, finally ! you updated something AHHAh love you.
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