
soul meets body

I have a handful of the most amazing and talented groups of friends there is, not only are they intellectually smart but also are creative geniuses. Out of all of them the one that stands out the most has to be Jose Flores. He is the most talented, creative, innovative and adorable person one has to meet. He's talent for animation and graphics are of those of a higher level than average. The way he maneuvers a computer mouse to create such master pieces and art work illustrations upon a computer is simply amazing! He's use of flow and edge through hand techniques simply defines himself from the norm. He's truly unique in what he does and follows what he truly believes in and that is of the higher power. Though we had agreed to enter into uni together to do the same course and follow the same path and dream, this year i will be doing the creative industries course alone as Jose will begin a year after. Though in the end we're going to achieve the same goal together.

A sneak peak into hes folio of work for hes course submission.

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