
in the flat field

After a long and dreadful past week, I have finally reached the first day of my mid semester break !
This week will be all dedicated to making new items for my wardrobe, and possibly doing an everyday outfit post. Even though I am on break, my body clock doesn't seem to agree with me. I've been waking up at the ungodly early hours of the morning, and haven't been able to sleep in just as of yet. It also gives me the sudden realisation that I tend to get more things done when I wake up early with more time on my hands, instead of sleeping in and missing out on half of the day. Also thanks to the weather, it has made it a tad easier to get out of bed as it isn't freezing in the morning. Hoping the weather stays that way throughout the week as I really need to catch up with my friends, who I've neglected for awhile. 

Top: Thrifted
Leggings: Jayjays
Rings: Diva
Sunglasses: Asos (Gifted from a friend)

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